The NPI is a national database of emissions to land, air, and water, and transfers of waste. The inventory is designed to provide information to assist in environmental planning, to promote waste minimisation and cleaner production and efficient energy use.
If, in an annual reporting period, a facility uses more than a certain amount of one or more substances on the NPI list, consumes more than a specified amount of fuel or electric power, the facility is required to estimate and report emissions of those substances to NPI.
The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act established a national framework for corporations to report greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption and production from 1 October 2009. The Act makes registration and reporting mandatory for corporations whose energy production, energy use or greenhouse gas emissions meet specified thresholds.
NPI and NGER reporting is required for many industrial companies each year. MJM has found that the two reporting systems are related in terms of data collection, and therefore many of our clients request we complete both reporting requirements each year.
The estimation, calculation and reporting of industrial emissions requires specific process engineering knowledge and industry experiences. Our team of engineers and scientists are able to provide a comprehensive and complete data collection process and estimation of emissions for each site. We use our in-house management system to enable clear auditing of data, and compile raw data in a systematic and time-saving manner.