Air emission monitoring is often needed by industry as a result of specific licence or regulatory requirements. We at MJM Environmental can perform a large array of air emission sampling test parameters.
Albury City Council provides potable water supply to the Albury and Greater Hume regions and services approximately 50,000 residents.
MJM Environmental is currently working with ACC to assist in the $5 million upgrade of the 140 ML/d Albury Water Filtration Plant from direct filtration to in-filter dissolved air flotation process.
From 1 September 2015 the licensing requirements for pest management technicians and fumigators was transferred from SafeWork NSW to the NSW EPA.
MJM Environmental has been involved in all aspects of fumigation processes, and mitigation options, for Methyl Bromide in Australia.
TasWater is the provider of water and sewerage services throughout Tasmania and is responsible for managing 76 drinking water systems with over 200,000 connections.
MJM Environmental was engaged by TasWater to assist the authority to procure a $5 million water treatment plant for the Westbury, Hagley and Exton water supplies.